Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Explication !!!

I have to explain something!! William is Bill middle' s son, and Bill senior is bill middle' s dad. So Bill senior is William's grand father( If you don' t anderstand, I can explain again ).


Yves said...

What????? Please try again your explanation! May be a good idea to draw a family tree on paper and post a picture of it.

Théo said...

I don't undertand too...

Théo said...

Aloïs explain that to me when he came in London and I understood.
I'll try to do my best.
Bill senior is the less young person of the three people. He is the grand father of William. And there is an another Bill who is William's father and Bill senior's son. So from the yougest to the the less young it's William, Bill and Bill senior.
Did you understand ? I hope so otherwises try to read it again and again... ^^

Yves said...

I got it now, thanks! What lost me is the "middle's dad" and "middle's son".